The Northwest Airlines History Center is an independent nonprofit museum, so without a corporate benefactor we depend on three main sources of funding: memberships, merchandise sales, and donations and gifts.
Your contribution goes right to the work of collecting, preserving, interpreting, and communicating the stories and accomplishments of NWA, Republic, and their predecessors and partners, through our websites and social media, physical museum, and materials we make available to other museums and community organizations. The NWAHC is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, so your donation can be tax-exempt.
We have several donation amount option selections above for any budget - if you are interested in giving a different amount not listed here, please click on https://crm.bloomerang.co/HostedDonation?ApiKey=pub_231f648e-300d-11ee-a442-0a9e22b02eaf&WidgetId=53248 where you can enter a custom amount.
If you would like to coordinate a planned gift, please contact us directly at (952) 698-4478.